Authors:Vidoje Golubović, Dimitrije Vujadinović; Publisher: State Archives of Serbia; September 2021
This publication completes the multi-year Balkankult Project - Culture of Remembrance of the Great War.Every lost life is an accident, but a lost young life is a tragedy and a crime!The mobilization of the youth to serve on the war and domestic front, regardless of when it was led, by military or civilian authorities, brought a hitherto unknown culture of war! The war had the most radical impact on the youth and childhood of children in all the warring countries.The Serbian government did what no other participant in the war did. She recruited and accepted as volunteers a large number of beardless young men, high school students, students - the youth of Serbia. It was the only case in the history of warfare that future work and creative potential was sent to the front. Many of these known and unknown heroes did not live to see the end of the war.One boy wrote, "I don't see what it can be called a Holy War? What can it be Holy in the massacre of innocent women and children, the destruction of peaceful homes, the death and mutilation of thousands of our breadwinners?"
Published: 2021-09-21
Updated: 2022-12-03